Talks at the 361 Energy Fair
For the first time we are having talks at the 361 Energy Fair which will take place in the Corn Store of the Pannier Market. These will focus on the environment and energy saving and renewable technologies. There will be a short question and answer session at the end of each talk.
SESSION 1: North Devon Biosphere
Andy Bell, North Devon Biosphere Reserve on Climate Change and the North Devon Biosphere
10.30am to 10.45am
Tom Humphreys, North Devon Biosphere Reserve on their Climate Action Fund Communities project
10.50am to 11.05am
SESSION 2: Home energy and domestic retrofit advice
Jenny Challenger, 361 Energy CIC on the domestic home energy advice programme
11.10am to 11.25am
Paul Rogers, National Energy Action on Solar PV and related technologies – Presentation
11.30am to 11.45am
Alex Slattery, 361 Energy CIC on retrofitting your home to be more energy efficient – Presentation
11.50am to 12.05pm
Ben Smith, Target CO2 on domestic retrofit and sources of Government funding – Presentation
12.10pm to 12.25pm
Paul Rogers, National Energy Action on heating your home with a Heat Pump – Presentation
12.30pm to 12.45pm
SESSION 3: Electric vehicles
Frank Benbow, 361 Energy CIC on Electric vehicles and charging – Presentation
1.30pm to 1.45pm
Jim Hunt, Managing Director, V2G Limited on An introduction to V2X, making greater use of EV batteries – Presentation
1.50pm to 2.05pm
SESSION 4: Clean Maritime Growth Vision and Business Energy Advice
Fiona Henderson, North Devon Plus on the North Devon and Torridge Clean Maritime Growth Vision
2.10pm to 2.25pm
Martin Slocombe, 361 Energy CIC on Business Energy Advice – Presentation
2.30pm to 2.45pm