Reuse Project
Waste Management
Devon County Council
Matford Offices
Topsham Road
Exeter, EX2 4QD
Tel:07966 566435
Email: emma.croft@devon.gov.uk

In a fix with your broken electrical items and gadgets? Well, Recycle Devon can help with that At the 361 Energy Fair, Recycle Devon will be offering it’s REPAIR IT service.
Members of the public will be able to bring along any broken household electrical items, including computers, to be fixed by a team of volunteer menders on the day – at no cost. The repairs will be carried out on a first come, first served basis and the service will available at the 361 Energy Fair between 10am on 1pm. Menders will include volunteers from local businesses, retired electrical engineers and skilled members of community groups.
Emma Croft, Re-use Project Co-ordinator, who is organising the events says, ‘Research shows that more than 75% of the small electrical items that come into our recycling centres could be back up and running if they were repaired. These events are designed to help householders waste less and enable them to save money and resources by not having to replace something broken.’
To find out more about these events or to volunteer your mending skills, please get in touch with Emma on 07966 566435 or via emma.croft@devon.gov.uk
Additional information:
Recycle Devon is a countywide waste communications campaign which represents a partnership of 11 authorities across Devon including Devon County Council, 8 District Authorities and 2 Unitary Authorities. For more information visit www.recycledevon.org
Devon County Council’s Re-use Project promotes re-use of durable household items – specifically clothes, electrical goods, furniture and bicycles through a programme of community and third sector engagement.
The REPAIR IT events have been funded by the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Distributor Take Back Scheme.