Courage Copse Creatives
North Devon
EX37 9DD
Email: office@couragecopse.co.uk
Phone: 01769 540 446

Katy and Vince, from Courage Copse Creatives, will explain how charcoal is made and how you can use it to make paint. Use your self made charcoal paint to create pieces of art and decorative wall hangings using natural materials found in the woods. Be prepared to get very mucky!!
Courage Copse Creatives own and manage 15.5 acres in the Taw Valley and was set up in 2012. As well as making BBQ charcoal and biochar, producing woodland eggs and firewood, the business also runs regular workshops, projects and training courses. The Arts in the broadest sense is uses as a vehicle to engage with the public and communicate the importance of our woodlands and how we manage them.